Here are the Liz Lisa items I purchased on this trip in no particular order (minus the My Melody collab items which will be in a separate post to follow)!
Logo flower OP in pink
大人ロゴ花ワンピースI really wasn't sure what the huge deal was about this dress originally since I have a somewhat similarly cut dress with a large gingham print from last summer, but this ended up being my first OP purchase of the trip lol. I saw it on Chiharu while I was waiting in line to check out for the Yui Kanno event (Day 1) and that totally changed my mind about it. I really loved it on her. She was wearing pink, so I picked pink too lol. This was also the dress Yui Kanno was wearing on the cover of the 2015 spring newspaper vol 2, so I figured it couldn't be a horrible decision lol.
I wore this dress on Day 5, and it ended up being part of one of my favorite outfits of the trip! I also wore this recently back at home for a family event and it works well in both types of weather! Truthfully, I do still think there are quite a few similarities to my gingham OP from last summer, but this one is still a bit different because of the print + the addition of the ribbon tie and I think the fit might be slightly better! I don't think this is something I would have spent money on if I had to buy online based on the photos that were shown for it, but I'm glad I ended up purchasing it and now own it!
Shinjuku Alta limited spring festival OP in pink
This was on my "want to buy" list going into the trip. I was tracking the blogs of the stores I was planning to visit and seeing what I could get that was particular to being in store, and this was an in store limited item that I knew I'd likely be able to get my hands on. It went on sale my first day (March 21) but I didn't make it over there until Day 2 (March 22) and thankfully they still had both colors - blue and pink - available. I knew I wanted to get pink lol.
I didn't try it on in store, and I didn't even try it on at all until maybe a few days before I took these photos which was over a week after the trip ended lol. Thankfully it fits alright. It's actually quite poofy because there's two layers of tulle under the skirt. I almost feel like it could more easily pass as himegyaru with the right hair or a casual version of a lolita dress, but it really depends how you style it. I'm not sure where I will wear this, but I'm glad I was able to even get my hands on it!
Stripe peekaboo OP in pink (151-6022-0)
This dress was one of my intended buys going into the trip. I really wanted to see how the pink color option looked in person since it looks a bit washed out in the stock photos (but that's the case for all stock photos lately it seems). This is another catalog cover dress (from the Spring 2015 Special Tabloid vol 1) although Reina Triendl is wearing it in blue. The pink and blue color options are actually kind of similar looking imo, but I was determined to try and find pink. Although they only had blue and navy in stock when I went to Shibuya 109 on Day 1, I luckily found pink at Shinjuku Alta on Day 2.
I was a bit nervous about the fit and the length on me, but actually I think it fits quite well! The peekaboo is not too overwhelming and shows just a little bit of skin. Of course, you can also easily wear a cami under it if you're more comfortable that way as well. I really like the material which is not too light or too heavy for a spring item. I've actually been preferring Liz Lisa's polyester items lately because that means I won't have to iron them lol. (Mostly I'm afraid of ruining the item with the iron rather than just being too lazy to iron.) I think this will be a great dress to wear in Hawaii :)
Liz Lisa x Yui Kanno rose fairy story OP in pink
☆LIZ LISA×YUI KANNO☆ローズフェアリーストーリーワンピース
I was really excited that the Yui Kanno collab items were going to release while I was there (on Day 1 actually!) but when I was thinking about what I would buy during my trip, this was not one of the planned items I budgeted for! I really liked the back of the dress but I wasn't sure how I would feel about the high neckline (which I enjoy as a style but for some reason don't like to wear very much) and wasn't sure I wanted to pay full price because I didn't feel like I looooved it based on the stock photos. However, I ended up changing my mind and purchasing this OP in the Machida store because it counted as part of the OP + cardigan set price promotion!
Can I just say that I'm so glad I ended up purchasing this OP? It fits fantastically, and I really like the material and the cut. The material feels really good quality, and I'm happy to have spent money on it. I was on the fence between white and pink but since I got the white cardigan, I felt like pink was the best choice. I know that I wouldn't have purchased this (online) if I didn't go on this trip, so I'm glad that I had the opportunity to get it in person! I love it way more than I ever expected to.
Tennoji Mio limited anniversary happy bag
I was a bit hesitant about this, thinking that it might be full of things that are impossible to wear for me in Hawaii, but it was actually a great deal imo. The price was right and I knew that I would be at least happy with the bag if anything. Since I don't have to pay for shipping, this thing was a great price.
Embroidery cambric shirring OP in red
Posted stock photos in blue and red because I originally got blue in the happy bag but then traded it for red (see Day 6). Also because I just realized that the blue was featured for the 2014 summer special tabloid lol. Just to let you guys know what the blue looked like I guess? Idk. Or maybe just to keep the stock photo here for myself if I need it since it's an old item, and I'm lucky I found the stock photo at all lol. ANYWAY, this was part of the Tennoji MIO anniversary happy bag. I had no idea what the contents would be like when I bought it (how many items, what type of items, what season, etc), and I was quite excited to find a dress OP in there! And one from this past summer! Idk if these didn't sell well in stores or something, but at least it was an OP and it wasn't long sleeved!
This OP wasn't something I was interested in purchasing online, but I think it's great that I have the opportunity to try it on. The length is really much shorter on me than I would like at this point in my life with nowhere to wear something like this, but it's actually super cute on and the shirring is really accommodating. I thought the bows on the sleeves were too heavy in the stock photos but when I put it on, I absolutely adored the bows/sleeves from the side. I was totally obsessed with the side view lol. And I actually quite like red! Blue would have been cute as well but I'm enjoying the vibe that red seems to have for this embroidery print.
Off-shoulder stripe logo Tshirt in pink
I totally didn't recognize this top at all when I pulled it out of the happy bag lol. When I was going back on TKL and looking through the listings, I realized I probably didn't notice it because the default/main image is this top in a super dark navy/almost black of all colors wtf. I'm very happy to receive it in pink haha. Apparently this type of item counts as a "T shirt".
I was really hesitant about this item at first and super unsure of how to style it. I thought maybe...with jeans (because I wanted to do denim)? And then I read the description of the item listing, and it said that the top was meant to be worn with high waisted bottoms. Well that's fairly obvious I guess but I don't have any high waisted denim shorts. (High waisted shorts look pretty awful on me/I can't find a pair that I'm willing to pay for that actually fit how I'd want.) But then I looked in my closet and spotted my Swankiss fukubukuro skirt, and that seemed totally perfect! Looking back, I'm kind of like, duh that was an obvious choice but it's a relatively new addition to my wardrobe so sometimes I forget I have it lol. Anyway, I'm quite pleased with how it turned out! I actually really like them together and the coordinate actually makes me like the top a lot more! I'm not really a fan of big logos/sayings across the chest especially in a language I do not understand, but I think it actually kind of works in conjunction with the embroidery on the hem on the Swankiss skirt but not too matchy-matchy because the embroidery is in different colors. I think this top might also look good with a similar style skirt but with like white or pink chiffon instead of denim.
Lace cami in white
Floral skirt in pink (AW '13)
I believe the lace cami was originally in (one version of) the 2015 fukubukuro mini trunk. You really can't go too wrong with the camis so I was happy to find something usable rather than fancy and unreasonable as the third item in the Tennoji MIO anniversary happy bag. The floral print skirt is actually a gift from my host mom when we met up on Day 7. She's always so sweet and remembers that Liz Lisa is my favorite brand. I think she travels quite far to get to an outlet to buy things for me!
These are two reasonably basic items, but I actually really like how they look together haha! Liz Lisa camis generally fit me reasonably well and this one especially so. It even manages to make my bust a little bigger I think lol wtf. The lace along the front is cute but not overly busy. The skirt is actually a nicer fit than I anticipated, and I quite like the cut! I love that my host mom always finds me things that I wouldn't necessarily buy for myself but are really nice to try. I ended up liking this color more than I thought I would.
Faux leather riders jacket in beige
This jacket was my #1-must-buy of the trip. I would have really felt like a failure if I didn't get this and missed out on getting it online as well. Thankfully, Shibuya 109 had it in stock on Day 1, and I didn't have to look far for it. It probably would have been best if I had had it that morning as well, but it was well used throughout the rest of the trip for sure! I love all the details on it from the collar to the off center zipper, belt and lace up sides. Cute and girly yet with a very slight edge because of the material. I knew I had to have this when I saw it online.
I think I like wearing it best open/unzipped, but it fits quite well closed too! I was concerned that it would be too boxy or that it would be overwhelming on me, but it's actually really great, lol. And yet it's not too tight/small so that I couldn't layer my cropped knit under it at night when it got colder. I won't need to do that here back at home, but it was a great option back in Japan. I totally love it. I recently had to get rid of my pink faux leather jacket in a similar cut because it was just falling apart, and this seems like a great replacement and also much sturdier.
Liz Lisa x Yui Kanno rose drop cardigan in white
☆LIZ LISA×YUI KANNO☆ローズドロップカーディガン
This cardigan is a bit troubling for me. I ended up buying it on Day 2 from the Shinjuku Alta Liz Lisa. I REALLY wasn't intending on buying it. I liked the design and apparently a similar cardigan was quite a popular item from the past collab but it just seemed too...fragile for my taste. I just throw my cardigans everywhere, stuff them in my purse, accidentally drop them on the floor and roll over them with my rolling chair at work, forget them in my car and just machine wash and put them in the dryer. I don't prefer to have high maintenance cardigans because I wear them a lot so they need to be able to withstand a lot for me to want to get them. OR they need to be superbly special. I'm personally not the biggest fan of the mismatch buttons (I just prefer "order"), and I really didn't need any more cropped white cardigans. And this one has long, almost flowy, sleeves. BUT, I still let the Shinjuku Alta sales girl convince me to buy this as part of the OP + cardigan set price promotion. She made it sound like a really good deal, so I just added it to my purchase. HOWEVER, it wasn't until I got home (like Hawaii home) that I realized that I did not even get the set price that convinced me to purchase it in the first place FML. I should have been paying better attention when a different sales girls was ringing up the items. I honestly feel like we're both kind of at fault. They specifically convinced me to get this cardigan as part of a set price and they can't even give me the set price. But of course it's also my responsibility as a customer to check the receipt and make sure everything is right. What REALLY kills me is that I even had to go back to this specific store location the next day to exchange my broken novelty mirror and that would have been the perfect time to correct the overcharge FML FML FML. Anyway now I have this cardigan and overpaid for it.
Despite all that, it's still a good cardigan. I was highly debating on just straight selling it and not even trying it on because the situation irritated me so much, but I decided that I should eat my lumps and keep it. There's nothing particular wrong with it, I was just uncomfortable paying full price when I was specifically convinced to buy it at a sale price, is all. I actually quite like the fullness of the sleeves and the buttons are actually snaps! Of course it looks especially good when paired with the Yui Kanno collab rose fairy story OP :3 I am still a little worried about the fragility of the knit since I'm unlikely to be overly careful with it (I need to watch out for snags and just general stretching), but at least it's not super thick and can actually be worn here.
Liz Lisa x Yui Kanno rose barrette in pink
initially thought that the price for this was outrageous since I'm not
an accessory person. $23 for a barrette? No way. (I mean, seriously I'm a
cheapo when it comes to accessories because I always lose them, so I
think $1 is the most reasonable price wtf.) I ended up caving and
purchasing this on Day 1
from Shibuya 109 after seeing it on an Utsunomiya shop staff - here - on twitter earlier. Since it's a Yui Kanno collab item, I was able to get
the photo frame and signature besides just the polaroid after meeting
the minimum amount, so from the beginning it was totally worth it!
it turns out, I absolutely love it. Worth the money for sure (as long
as I don't lose it lol). My favorite way to wear it is at the end of a
french braid "headband". I love the design of it. I think maybe I just
wish the clip part was a little bigger/could hold a little more hair but
then maybe it wouldn't be so dainty. Regardless, another favorite
purchase from the trip that I don't think I would have gotten otherwise!Rose & bow clip set in pink
I wasn't intending on purchasing these specifically, but I saw them near the register in the Shibuya 109 store on Day 1, and I needed something to help meet the novelty minimum, so I literally just grabbed at them while I was on my way to check out lol.
(Left pictures shows the bows and right picture shows the roses.) They ended up being a pretty good purchase imo! I really didn't own many (any??) Liz Lisa hair accessories before the trip because I'm really just not a good accessorizer, so I have a hard time justifying spending money on them even on sale wtf. Although I like hair accessories, I don't often think to wear them (if that makes sense), and therefore it's hard for me to buy something if I think I won't wear it lol. But since I purchased them, I actually wore them a few times already! Mostly on the trip, but still worth it lol. I'm not sure how many more accessories I will be willing to try in the future, but I'm glad I own at least these.
Flower Champouf charm in white
Tbh, I mostly purchased this just to meet the novelty minimum without spending too much over it lol. Besides the hand towels, this Champouf charm was the next lowest priced item in store! I actually wanted the pink one, but they didn't have pink when I went. Of course, Champouf is just as cute in white, and I already have two pink Champouf items, so maybe it's for the best lol.
Petite Margaret necklace with pearl in pink
I grabbed this on Day 6 when I was purchasing the Liz Lisa x My Melody 6th collab OPs to meet the jewelry box minimum. I was considering getting a hand towel instead (since those are much cheaper and I needed only just a small amount to add to my total), but I don't own any Liz Lisa necklaces, so this seemed like a good opportunity. I like the 2-chain design and the simple flowers and pearls as the main pendant. I feel like this will easily go with many of my Liz Lisa outfits from any season.
Liz Lisa x Yui Kanno rose fairy story print jewelry box novelty in pink and white
This was pretty much the only regular novelty item that was available during my trip in most stores, so I just tried to get as many as possible lol. The first day of my trip was the first day that it was available, and it seemed that most stores were already out of the cup and plates which was fine with me because those are heavier and more likely to break in my suitcase (although it would have been nicer to have had a variety). Since I actually ended up buying a few pieces from this recent Yui Kanno collab, I'm happy to have the matching jewelry boxes. Idk how many times I've already said that I'm not really an accessories person in this post, but because of that, I don't have a lot of things to put in these, but I'm really happy to have them as display pieces at the very least (if I don't end up filling them up). I super love the book design! I love getting novelties because we really don't have access to them as international online shoppers despite how much we spend. But really, I think any novelty is great, and I think it's cool that so many Japanese shops offer them!
Big ribbon mirror and pouch set in pink
This was a special novelty for Shinjuku Alta starting from 3/21 when they were also offering the limited OP. It's not a new novelty offering, but since I don't usually have access to them, it's new to me! I meant to only spend enough to get one of the items (I wanted the mirror), but I ended up getting more than I anticipated on Day 2 at Shinjuku Alta and met the minimum for both lol. So I got both. When I got back to the hotel and opened up the mirror to use it, S noticed there was a HUGE crack in it. We were already done for the night, so I had to go back the next day and exchange it. Thankfully, it wasn't a problem. I'm happy I was able to get another novelty besides just the jewelry box!
Quick photos and links for other purchased items that I did not keep for myself:
ロングフード付きカーディガン (151-3019-0)
Edit 2016 - I did end up keeping this! Lol.

Quick recap of the items in this post that I bought per purchase. These
have been seen in previous trip posts, but if you haven't seen any of them yet, feel free to click on each picture to read that day's blog post / I just wanted to repost them here all together just because I thought it would be nice to have them all in one place lol :)
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Day 1 purchases from Shibuya 109 Liz Lisa |
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Day 2 purchases from Shinjuku Alta Liz Lisa |
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Day 3 purchases from Machida 109 Liz Lisa |
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Day 6 purchases from Tennoji MIO Liz Lisa |
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Day 7 gifted from my ex-host mom |
I'm really happy with all of the purchases I made! I actually didn't spend/get as much as I thought I would because I was being a cheapo for some reason. I definitely purchased a lot more pieces last summer during that trip. However, most of those summer pieces were on sale for 40-50% off and many of these were nowhere near that, so I guess that's why I felt I couldn't let go as much wtf. I do have a few regrets - Not purchasing the off shoulder ribbon blouse bc I didn't want to pay full price but now I considering buying it online which costs even more. Not nabbing one of the Tennoji MIO anniversary sets before it sold out after one girl bought like ten of them because I thought they would last. Not choosing the Tennoji MIO limited backpack novelty for the same reason (I thought I would get one when I came back to get the anniversary set and didn't realize they would run out). Not noticing I was overcharged before I went back to Shinjuku for the second time. Maybe I also should have purchased the Liz Lisa x My Melody 6th collab tote while I was there too. Looking at it like that, it sounds like I have a lot of regrets, but tbh, all in all, I'm not disappointed! I was still able to get a lot of things I wanted, and am really happy with most of the things I got that I wouldn't have purchased online.
Also (this is just kind of a side note to myself bc I don't know if anyone else is interested lol and only remotely related to this blog post's topic), a lot of the stores I visited still had stock of their 3-piece cup items, especially the OPs. I think I was able to see each OP by going to so many stores, although in some stores it was only available in one color. Many also still had the bag as well. I think the only piece I definitely didn't see was the Team C cardigan (the long one). And maybe the Team A cardigan. I don't know if they restocked some pieces after the fact or if at certain stores it just didn't sell well? They were released in early March, and I didn't expect to see any!
*The Liz Lisa x My Melody 6th collab vol. 1 items that I purchased on this trip will be in a separate blog post coming soon!

Also in this post, I wanted to include my Liz Lisa trip coordinates in this post (sorry if you've already read my other trip posts that you're going to see them again) as well because I'm just so in love with them. I guess I kind of also wanted to share with you what I packed to bring with me, lol. Or maybe I'm just being vain hahaha. Sorry. But it's relevant to this blog post's topic (which is general Liz Lisa from my trip), so I'm going to go with it!
These are the items I brought with me on the trip:
Liz Lisa 2013 fukubukuro trunk, Liz Lisa 2013 royal rose fukubukuro tote, Liz Lisa rose quilted bag
Liz Lisa lace sleeveless top, Liz Lisa ribbon tie sleeveless top, Liz Lisa bib long sleeve top (worn on plane)


Lisa key motif skirt, Liz Lisa wagon skirt, Swankiss fukubukuro denim
skirt, Liz Lisa plaid ribbon tie skirt (worn on the plane)


Liz Lisa x My Melody 5th collab OP, Liz Lisa x My Melody 4th collab OP
Liz Lisa flower beret, Charlotte Russe cropped pom pom knit, Barefoot Dreams zip up hoodie
Liz Lisa lace up back pumps, Nine West wedge sneakers
Coordinates from each day of the trip:
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The night we arrived / what I wore on the plane |
Day 1, March 21 coordinate |
Day 2, March 22 coordinate |
Day 3, March 23 coordinate |
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Day 4, March 24 coordinate |
Day 5, March 25 coordinate |
Day 6, March 26 coordinate |
Day 7, March 27 coordinate |
Day 8, March 28 coordinate lol I didn't get to take a good ootd photo |
I realized that I actually really enjoy dressing for this type of weather. I never get to do any layering and hardly want to do any coordinates with outer pieces when I'm in Hawaii because it's just too hot most of the time. I'm also patting myself on the back for packing well. I thought long and hard about what items I should bring and what coordinates I would be creating with them and what would go along well with the items I was planning to buy, etc. I knew I didn't want to pack/bring too much with me because I should have no problem buying a few items and wearing them, and I feel like I packed just the right amount. There were a few "must bring" items I had with me (like the wagon and key skirt) and then a few items I brought because we were doing some activities that required me to be a little less "prim"/uptight about my clothes possibly getting dirty? (Like for the strawberry picking and Nara deer park where I opted to wear darker colors.) I also was only planning on bringing on pair of shoes with me originally (which were the Liz Lisa lace up back pumps) but had to add the wedge sneakers because the strawberry farm asks that you not wear heels. That ended up being a great alternative for footwear on some days and I'm thankful that I was forced to bring them. However, if I hadn't brought them, I probably would have spent money on shoes in store somewhere. For some reason, on this trip I didn't buy any shoes and hardly looked at any wtf. Sad. All in all, I had a great time dressing for Japan in spring and creating these coordinates!
This post ended up being quite a bit longer than I anticipated but I didn't think it made sense to split it up further. Sorry for a little bit of repetition if you already saw my day-to-day posts but I really wanted a post with all of my Liz Lisa related photos together, and I'm pretty happy with the result. I have to admit, I love seeing all of it together :)
And I put together a short "haul"-like video for a number of the items I purchased -
As a small reminder (and I'm sure those of you who actually read my posts are tired of reading these blurbs, but I am constantly getting blamed for not warning people of this, so here I go again) - I am extremely uncomfortable with my personal photos being used for the profit of others especially without a simple source link. In general, I would prefer for my photos not to be reposted without my permission at all, but if you feel the extreme need to do so, I simply ask that you just include a simple link back to my original post. Regardless of whether I watermark every single photo, I do still own the copyright to these pictures and you finding them on Google Image does not mean I do not own them anymore?? (There has been some confusion on that front apparently. And to be clear, Google does even warn you when you click on a photo that the image may be subject to copyright, and Google does not sever the photos from their original pages, so it's easy to find their source if you choose.) I do not blog and post these photos so that others can sell their products that are not associated with me in the slightest. And the response I get when I just ask for my photos to be sourced really discourages me from sharing and continuing to blog. I mean this in the least aggressive way possible, but I'm not just going to throw 80 smiley emojis in this to "soften the tone" because I am serious, and I honestly feel like you should be able to read a paragraph like this without emoticons and not be offended by its message.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This post ended up being quite a bit longer than I anticipated but I didn't think it made sense to split it up further. Sorry for a little bit of repetition if you already saw my day-to-day posts but I really wanted a post with all of my Liz Lisa related photos together, and I'm pretty happy with the result. I have to admit, I love seeing all of it together :)
And I put together a short "haul"-like video for a number of the items I purchased -
As a small reminder (and I'm sure those of you who actually read my posts are tired of reading these blurbs, but I am constantly getting blamed for not warning people of this, so here I go again) - I am extremely uncomfortable with my personal photos being used for the profit of others especially without a simple source link. In general, I would prefer for my photos not to be reposted without my permission at all, but if you feel the extreme need to do so, I simply ask that you just include a simple link back to my original post. Regardless of whether I watermark every single photo, I do still own the copyright to these pictures and you finding them on Google Image does not mean I do not own them anymore?? (There has been some confusion on that front apparently. And to be clear, Google does even warn you when you click on a photo that the image may be subject to copyright, and Google does not sever the photos from their original pages, so it's easy to find their source if you choose.) I do not blog and post these photos so that others can sell their products that are not associated with me in the slightest. And the response I get when I just ask for my photos to be sourced really discourages me from sharing and continuing to blog. I mean this in the least aggressive way possible, but I'm not just going to throw 80 smiley emojis in this to "soften the tone" because I am serious, and I honestly feel like you should be able to read a paragraph like this without emoticons and not be offended by its message.

Part 1 - Pre-trip planning
Part 2a - March 21, Day 1: Liz Lisa Shibuya 109 Yui Kanno event
Part 2b - March 21, Day 1: Hawkeye Owl Cafe
Part 3 - March 22, Day 2: Kawatsura Strawberry Farm, Chiba, Shinjuku
Part 4 - March 23, Day 3: Tsukiji Fish Market, Yokohama, Machida
Part 5 - March 24, Day 4: Omiya, Ikebukuro, Takadanobaba, Asakusa & luggage forwarding
Part 6 - March 25, Day 5: Shibuya, Shinkansen & Osaka
Part 7 - March 26, Day 6: Tennoji MIO, Nara Deer Park
Part 8 - March 27, Day 7: Kobe (steak), Namba/Shinsaibashi & Keiko
Part 9 - March 28, Day 8: Kyoto, Berri & home
Part 10 - Hotels and Pupuru pocket wifi review
Part 11 - Liz Lisa shopping items/coordinates
Part 12 - Liz Lisa x My Melody 6th collab OPs and hand towel
Japan trip Summer 2014 posts
Japan trip Summer 2015 posts
You put in so much work for this post!! I love your blog so much, and I still think you have the worlds best wardrobe lol xx
ReplyDeleteThank you! I love what I have but there are so many girls with so much more too <3
Delete<3 <3
DeleteWe got some similar items (although some item(s) I got online,) but you already know which ones XD. I'm glad I saw the red dress on you, for some reason I always assumed it was a drop waist style dress and it's really not :/ I dunno where I even got that idea now. I'm surprised you weren't gonna get the first OP though - I thought that looked like something you would get! Glad you liked it in the end.
ReplyDeleteI think I wasn't in love with the pattern? Idk lol. But what was I thinking??
DeleteUgh now I wish I bought the Yui Kanno collab stuff after seeing it on you LOL. Interesting how the bow OP turned out because I also found the bows to be huge and obnoxious, but it doesn't seem like so when it's worn! And aww, your host mom got you Liz Lisa cuz she stills remembers!
ReplyDeleteLol you still should! And yes omg I love my host mom <3
Deletethe がま口キルティングバッグ is so cute!!!
ReplyDeleteIt really is! We were supposed to give it to my cousin's daughter but my mom couldn't give it up lol.