
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kobe Summer Study Abroad (p2)

(It's been a really long time but I want to finish blogging about this!)

In this post, I want to focus on the site-seeing we got to do! When I was in Kobe, I rarely traveled by myself. I usually went around with a group of several people, so we often hard to agree on where we were going and how long we would stay. This post will be mostly pictures. I hope you enjoy!

This is from when we went to Osaka-Jyo (Osaka Castle). Photography wasn't really allowed inside the castle because it's a museum, so here's a few photos from when we were walking around.

^^ We got to meet Kumamon! He's a very popular mascot for Kumamoto.

A handful of photos from the zoo! My host mom was kind enough to accompany me!

They had a panda at the zoo as well, but I didn't get a clear picture because he actually moved pretty fast! The zoo was very nice and clean. I'm happy I got to go!

Here are some pictures from when we went to a temple for a school field trip:

Photos from the Kaiyukan (Aquarium)!

When we went to Nara (and the Deer Park!)

We went white water rafting in Kyoto! Not so many photos because I didn't want to get my camera wet. The 3 guys who ran the boat constantly switched off between roles, and they were all super STRONG.

^^ This boat guy was super cute!

That's pretty much it! Next post will be more on shopping we did.